Key Stage 1 - Physical Education

Co-ordinator: Mrs K Mossom

Physical Education 

Intent Statement: Our aim at Seaton Academy is to foster a culture of healthy living and positive well-being through Physical Education (PE). Our intent for PE is to provide a high-quality, broad, and balanced curriculum that meets the varying needs of all our pupils, enabling them to develop confidence, competence and resilience in physical skills, whilst promoting teamwork, fair play, and respect for others.
Implementation Statement: Our PE provision at Seaton Academy is implemented in a systematic and progressive way, ensuring that all pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum that is grounded in the fundamental skills of physical competence, teamwork and sportsmanship. Our curriculum is carefully planned, sequenced, and differentiated, taking into account all pupils' abilities, backgrounds, and interests. We ensure that all pupils have equal opportunities to succeed, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or background.

Our specialist PE teachers use a range of teaching strategies and approaches to facilitate pupils' learning, including modelling, questioning, peer and self-assessment, as well as formal assessment. We utilise a range of equipment, technology, and resources to enrich our PE provision, including an outdoor gym and playground, as well as software such as My PE Hub and ActiveLearn. Extra-curricular clubs and sports teams, alongside opportunities to participate in local and national competitions, are also provided to enhance our pupils' engagement in PE.

Impact Statement: Our PE provision at Seaton Academy has had a profound impact on our pupils' health, wellbeing and achievement. Our broad and balanced curriculum has enabled pupils of all abilities to develop essential physical skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship, as demonstrated by their increased confidence and competence in sports and physical activities. Pupils have improved their physical fitness levels and show an increased interest in sports and physical activities. Moreover, the physical activity habits developed at Seaton Academy have provided a foundation for healthy lifestyles that pupils will carry into adulthood.

Our pupils' personal development has been enhanced through the skills of teamwork, resilience, and fair play that have been instilled in them through our PE curriculum. Pupils have learned about the importance of setting and achieving personal and team goals, working collaboratively, and valuing one another's contributions. As a result, pupils display high levels of self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as a positive attitude towards physical activities and competition.

In conclusion, our PE provision at Seaton Academy is outstanding due to the clear intent behind our curriculum and the thorough implementation of our programme, resulting in a highly positive and beneficial impact on our learners. Pupils’ achievements and progress in PE are regularly reviewed and celebrated in strategic assessments, including pupil voice, to maintain the effectiveness of our provision and ensure that it remains of the highest quality.

PE Overview

Updated: 12/11/2024 161 KB

PE Progression Map

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PE Timetable and Sporting Calendar

Updated: 18/12/2024 97 KB
Updated: 18/12/2024 215 KB