Pupil and Sports Premium

Pupil Premium

Updated: 12/11/2024 276 KB

Sports Funding

Due to the impact and success of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games, the Government announced new funding of £150 million for physical education (PE) and sport in April 2013 for schools. The funding is intended to be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision and to encourage and inspire children to enjoy and participate in a healthy and active lifestyle. At Seaton Academy the funding has allowed us to improve PE provision and raise achievement for all pupils in sport.

How will Seaton Academy be spending it's allocation?

At our school, sport is something we are very proud of. Children have rich and varied opportunities to take part in sport for fun, personal achievement and development, physical development and competition. We are very well resourced. Teachers and coaches who deliver PE in curriculum time, and who facilitate extra curricular sporting opportunities are passionate about what they do and help our children to achieve in all areas of sport and physical activity. However, there are always ways we can improve our provision and practice. The additional sports and PE funding will help us greatly.

We plan to:

  • Use specialist coaches to work with groups of children.  
  • Use specialist coaches to work alongside teaching staff to improve their skills and knowledge and provide professional development opportunities for teachers.
  • Improve the quality of teaching and learning.
  • Purchase equipment and resources to enhance our teaching and learning in this area.

PE and Sports Funding

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Seaton Academy Impact of PE and Sports Funding 2018/19

  • The funding has enabled the school to maintain its high level of involvement in school competitions.
  • Wider variety of sports offered within the school day and beyond.
  • An increase in out of school opportunities are taken up.
  • Pupil responses show great enjoyment. 

In working in partnership with outside providers, teaching staff have increased their individual knowledge and skills in the areas of the curriculum covered in the class lessons delivered by the specialist coaches. By observing the coaches delivering sessions, staff now feel more confident in delivering PE themselves.


At the start of the financial year 2018/19 Seaton Academy received £17250. The funding has been spent as outlined in the pie chart displayed and a similar use of the funding is planned for the next allocation in 2018/19. Below is a breakdown of how much has been spent in each area:

Travel : £537.52 (2.94%)

Sports equipment : £11,146.61 (61.09%)

Staff sp training : £680 (3.72%)

Sports coaches : £3856.55 (21.14%)

Sports partnerships : £2000 (11.09%)


PE funding is being spent on the future of the children in Seaton Academy. The high quality coaching by the coaches being brought in by the county means we are able to train the teaching and support staff with CPD (continued professional development). Equipment is renewed when needed so as to retain a high performance of practice.


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025

Updated: 20/12/2024 178 KB