What time does school open and close?

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

School is open from 8:50am each morning, registration is at 9:00am. If you arrive after 9:00 am please ensure your child(ren) are signed in at the main office as registration will have already begun. School finishes at 3:20 pm and your child should be collected from their designated door. After-school clubs run until 4.15 pm and children attending these clubs should be collected from the Year 2 doors by the side gate. 

We also host a breakfast club each morning which begins at 07:30am for the charge of £4 per day.

What if I’m late picking my child up?

Delays are unavoidable at times, any child that is left after pick-up has finished will be entered into childcare which runs alongside the after-school clubs. Please collect your child from the main entrance. Please note that this will incur a charge if your child is there for a period of 15 minutes or more, or on regular occasions.

Where can I park near school?

The Rugby Club opposite our school are good enough to let parents use their car park for school drop-off and pick-up times. Please refrain from parking on the road or pavement outside of school as this is a health hazard and could result in serious injury. The police are monitoring parking outside of the school and you may be issued with a parking fine should you choose to park there.

Can I help in the classroom?

Due to the number of staff we employ we regret to decline help from parents in the classrooms themselves, although some parents volunteer to run after-school clubs which the children really enjoy. All parents who volunteer are subject to a DBS check.

Why do my child’s clothes keep going missing?

It is extremely important that you label ALL of your child’s clothes including their PE kit and bag, this makes it much easier for staff to identify the missing items and return them to you. Your child will move through school throughout the day, particularly in Key Stage 1, and unlabelled items can be easily misplaced. Any unlabelled items of clothing that are found within school will be placed in the lost property boxes.

When does my child need to have their PE kit?

Please see your child's class page which will inform you of their PE days. These vary each half-term due to external coaches. You may be asked to send your child to school with their trainers on these days. Please ensure that earrings are removed on PE days. 

Can my child bring toys into school?

We do not encourage children to bring toys into school as they can be easily lost or damaged. The only exceptions are for 'Show and Tell', or when permission is given by the teacher for a special event. Each class organises their 'Show and Tell' in different ways, please speak to your child’s teacher if you are unsure about this.

When are parents evenings?

Parents evenings happen in the second half of Autumn - usually toward the end of November.  We will also hold a second parents evening in the Spring 2 term. We also hold additional events welcoming parents into school to see their child's work.

Class teachers are available at the beginning and end of each school day if you wish to discuss something specific.

My child is moving into Seaton St Paul's Junior School this year, how will they be prepared?

Transition is very important to us. We will ensure that Year 2 children will spend time at Seaton St Paul's Junior School during the Summer Term over a period of at least two transition days. They may or may not know which class they will be in at this time, this is not something that we have control over. They will spend time with all of the Year 3 teachers as well the other members of staff they will be working with.

If your child is moving to a different junior school they need not attend the transition days – please speak to your child’s teacher about this. Your child is welcome to take some previously agreed time out of school to visit their new school – if you would like to arrange this, please speak to your child’s class teacher or the school office to agree a time.