
Subject Lead: Mrs M Noctor

Intent Statement:

At Seaton Academy, we are committed to providing an outstanding Mathematics education that inspires and challenges all leaners, ensuring they are confident, fluent and capable mathematicians. Our aim is to develop a deep understanding of concepts in line with the National Curriculum and to create a learning environment that fosters perseverance, creativity and self – reflection.  Our curriculum embraces the National Curriculum aims, and provides guidance to help pupils to become: visualisers, describers and experimenters.  

Implementation Statement:

We have developed a consistent, whole – school approach to the teaching of Mathematics, using a mastery model that allows every child to progress at their own pace. Our curriculum is focused on developing fluency, reasoning and problem- solving skills across all areas of Mathematics. We use a variety of teaching methods including the use of manipulatives, pictorial representations and real-life scenarios, to ensure that pupils are able to apply their skills in context.

Our teachers are well -trained in Mathematics and highly skilled, delivering high-quality teaching through careful planning, assessment, adaptive teaching, and feedback to pupils. We carefully monitor progress and use data to identify pupils who may require extra help and challenge. Small group work, intervention sessions and extension activities are used to enhance learning for all pupils.

We regularly celebrate success and progress in Maths, with class and whole – school displays of children’s work. We engage parents in their children’s learning, providing regular updates on progress, and communicating topics and themes.

Impact Statement:

Our Mathematics curriculum provides a strong foundation for pupils’ ongoing mathematical development. Pupils make excellent progress, demonstrating a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and a high level of fluency in their calculations. Pupils show great confidence in their mathematical abilities, can reason mathematically, and are able to solve increasingly complex problems.

Through our whole school approach, all pupils are given the necessary support and challenge to reach their full protentional. Pupils with SEND and disadvantaged pupils are supported with interventions. All pupils demonstrate a love for the subject and the investigation of Maths problems.

Overall, our collective efforts in Mathematics teaching and learning have meant that we have built a positive Mathematics culture within school, where pupils’ achievements and progress are celebrated and this impacts on their wellbeing and overall progress. This is reflected in the pupils’ excellent progress score in Mathematics.


Maths Knowledge and Skills 2023/24

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White Rose Maths 

At Seaton Academy we use the White Rose scheme of work to teach Maths. White Rose teaches children mathematical concepts through practical, pictoral, and written methods in order to develop a deep understanding, confidence and competence in Maths and improve fluency. Fluency in Maths is about developing number sense and being able to choose and use the most appropriate method for the task at hand and be able to apply a skill to multiple contexts. 

It uses the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach, which is a highly effective approach to teaching that develops a deep and sustainable understanding of maths in pupils. CPA was developed by American psychologist Jerome Bruner. 

EYFS Calculation Policy

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Calculation Policies

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Updated: 16/02/2023 3.05 MB