We are happy to be back at school doing LOTS of busy jobs, seeing our friends and exploring our new classroom!  

In Literacy, we have been writing a list of who lives in our house and writing short sentences. We are also matching a caption to a picture and using our phonics to write it down. We are focusing this term on using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 

In Maths, we are counting forwards and backwards. We are saying a number that is one more and one less than a given number.  We have been looking at our addition, subtraction and equals symbols and using these when writing our own number sentences.  

As part of our Science, we are thinking about our 5 senses and identifying which body part is linked to each sense.  

In Year One, we have been talking about our family and ourselves.  We are going to be discussing where we live and drawing a picture of our house.  Every child has been given a 'bug buddy' to look after with and learn about. 

We will have our PE lessons on a Wednesday and Thursday this half term. Our coach will be Conor who will be helping us to improve our fitness through Multi-Skills!